Expressions related to Holy Week

Holy Week is a very important moment throughout Spain and is celebrated in different ways depending on the region. It is usually every year at the end of March / beginning of April.

Holy Week is the celebration of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. From those events, some expressions that are related to what happened in the history of Jesus the Nazarene have reached us in the Spanish language.

Let's look at some examples of expressions you can use to speak like a native.


Palm Sunday celebrates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. This fact happens a week before Easter or Jesu s' Resurrection Day. For this reason, between the two celebrations, Easter and Palm Day, there are 51 weeks, hence the meaning of "something that happens on few occasions, rarely."

Example: "I go to the gym from Easter to Palm"


Judas kisses Jesus on the Mount of Olives to tell the Romans who the Messiah is so they can stop him. It is the kiss of betrayal. Since then the expression SER MÁS FALSO QUE JUDAS means “traitor or treacherous”.

Example: That all that he has said, a lie!; That is faker than judas!


The Romans bring Jesus before the Roman prefect Pontius Pilate. This man declares Jesus innocent, but the pressure and petition of the people force him to condemn him to die on the cross. Pontius Pilate WASHES HIS HANDS as a sign that "he is not responsible"

Example: Juan has not wanted to get into the story, he has washed his hands


Jesus is on his way to Mount Calvary, does he suffer? Yes, a lot, he suffers an ordeal (“sorrows and pain”), what does he wear? A very heavy cross! The expression what a cross! It means "what suffering!" This is how Jesus goes, with suffering and pain: he is made a Christ, it refers to his physical state: in very bad condition and with many injuries.

Example: "I don't know how I can stand this personwhat a cross!


In front of the crucified Jesus, there are two women: Mary, the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, a faithful friend of Jesus who cries with great sadness, grief and inconsolation. That's where the expression CRY LIKE A MAGDALENA comes from: "cry without consolation"

Example: Since David has broken his toy, cries like a cupcake.